Thursday, August 26, 2010


The past two weeks have been nothing but crazy. The girls seem to fight more and more, and its completely driving me nuts. But on a good note they do love eachother(at times).
We went to the fair about 4 times, then on saturday I decided Tessa has been so good sitting just looking at things, she deserved a ride day. She LOVED IT! she has no fear of any of the rides, which is good. Amirah did very well just walking in circles while Tessa went on her rides. She did get on the horses once.
This past Tuesday I had another u/s to make sure little baby was growing. I forgot how amazing it is to not only see but hear the heart beat. I feel in love that very moment. I believe she said something like 123 for a heart beat(could that mean a boy????) the little bean measured 5 days behind, which puts me at April 17th! I am really trying to enjoy every moment of this pregnance even feeling sick. This could very well be my last pregnancy, and I will be heart broken if that is the case. As much as I love my children I love being pregnant.
Last saturday I started my new job, its only for a couple of hours, I never knew the amount that went into dry cleaning. Do me and every other dry cleaner out there. Before you bring your stuff in unbutton everything, every last button, and make sure there is NOTHING IN YOUR POCKETS. I have to go through every last pocket, unbutton everything, and un zip everything. I have to then tag it, so that only makes my job that much easier.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome to the end of Summer

I always feel this way when the fair comes. But I really look forward to it...well usually. Tessa had said she was bord yesterday, so grandma and myself decided we will pack up the girls and go to the fair. It started out wonderful, we walked a little and then noticed a clown show. Tessa loved it! After she kept asking for a big red ice cream(so we thought) so we went a got her a red ice cream. Let the MELT DOWN BEGIN. I mean Holy Cow kid. I can't even tell you how long this lasted, it was horrible. We finally get her calmed out, obviously she really didn't want ice cream, so we got her a red icey. That didnt work either, so we said forget it! We started to walk out when we noticed a little girl shop, I know after her melt downs she shouldnt be rewarded but I let her pick out a headband, went and got her a pretzel and went home.
It was so nice to be able to go back with just mom later in the night, I don't get out often with out at least one of the girls, and I loved every minuet of it. We were able to walk and talk(with no inturruptions) eat and do whatever we wanted. I love my mom so much and really enjoyed one on one time with her.
While we were there I saw a moldel home and california closets were there, I have to call them. I'm not sure what to do with the girls room. I am completely nervous for them to share a room, Tessa is always waking up screaming in the middle of the night and early morning. Amirah loves her sleep. But I guess its really not a choice.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Camping we will go???

We had it all set up, Tessa was beyond excited to go camping and use our new tent. We pack the clothes get the blankets, and  all the baby stuff together. I should have know at this point it wasnt going to be a good night. I drive to my moms to get the pack-n-play for the baby. At this point  I remember I forgot to pack my shirt for tomorrow....a driving back home we go. Were off get a mile down the road and I remember I forgot to pack underware for myself...preggo brain already, so we go back home. By this time I am thinking this new tenant must think im nuts. I finally get to Ryan's dads by 5ish. We start to put the tent up, and it went up fast, so I figure Amirah could really use a nap im going to put the pack-n-play up. I step foot into our new 3 room tent and rrriiiiipppp. I put a darn hole in it. Ryan forgot to bring a tarp for under the tent, ugh. We unstake it move it put the tarp down, move it stake it. Amirah finally get to take a nap. We had a wonderful pizza and wings dinner, and my mom even came by. It was getting dark so we decided we would leave the rest of the work for the party, for tomorrow. We are just about to sit down when we see Ryans grandpa with his head hanging, completely gray, and non-responsive. OMG we start screaming at him, grandpa grandpa...I yell to Ryan to call 911. He calls but for whatever reason he had to give them the address. By this time he comes out of it on his own but is unable to focus or talk. The ambulance finally get to us,  and takes him in. They were not able to figure out what happened, and hopefully he can come home today. Yesterday we went back to Ryan's dad's to finish everything for the party it was cancled until next week, we were able to get everything all set up and enjoyed the rest of the night.

Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Official

It's was comfirmed today I am preggo!!!! I have many mixed feelings, maybe not mixed just trying to let it all sink in. The memories of Amirah's birth are just too vivid. The Doc's say March 22. Im thinking ok maybe, but I cant remember the last first date, so I have narrowed it down to three possibilities two of which are not close at all. It will be either March 10, 22 or April 3rd. I guess we will just have to wait until next week. Im really thinking March 22 or April 3 the 10th just seems too out there.
Tessa on the other hand is way excited, I cant wait for her to see the baby "floating" around in my belly. She informed me today she has baby timmy in her belly( her newborn cousin) She is just too funny!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time to bake

Where do I even start??????????? I can't wrap my finger around the fact that it has in fact been a year since I last talked to my dad. I know his time was up but seriously a year???
Amirah's 1st Birthday was a blast, she loved the clown, running around(yes running she has been walking since 9 months!) and the cake she literally dove right into it. Now thats all done and over with what do I do know????
BAKE....Bake what you ask?????????????????
A BABY!!!!!!!! yes that's right a baby. I could hardly believe it my self when I was my BFP but we will be having another one sometime in April!!!! I love my girls but it is really time for a boy. My next question is how to deal with 3 under 3??????? Any suggestions are welcome


It has been forever since I blooged...I really need to start too many memories have already slipped away. I dont have time right now but I just wanted to post something to get back in the swing of thing....hang in ill be on tonight I have alot to say!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My little baby is growing up....I hate this part so much. Amirah is all smiles, and starting to coo. She is just too darn cute! I love her little voice. I had her in the Dr's yesterday for a horrible rash and she is already 9 pounds, its sad but I guess they all have to grow up sometime.
...I asked Tessa the other day what kind of party she would like suggesting Barney princess doggy, and every time I get the same answer. Choo choo. So we are having a Thomas the train party, my next hurtle is a present for her. I have no clue what to get her.
...I have decided way too late that I am going to start going to garage sales, Ryan got Tessa and Amirah(shes way too small) but two barbie power wheels for thirty dollars for the pair and they came with the charger! She was so excited...she needs a little work but is getting the hang of it